
Changelog for version v0.4.7

Download v0.4.7
  • Improved the layout for checkboxes by removing some fixed heights. Also removed the font-size and line-height properties to make checkboxes more consistent with the rest of the layout
  • Added some visibility helper classes (.is-hidden and .is-visible). See the documentation for more details.
  • Removed a hard dependency on mdi (material-design-icons). We were previously using an icon from MDI in our custom select boxes. This has now been removed, and you don’t need to include mdi anymore unless you wish to do use their icons in other places.
  • Fixed the styles for disabled outline buttons. Previously they would still show the default hover styles. This has now been removed for disabled buttons.
  • Fixed a line-break issue with the pagination component on low resolutions. The component is still not fully responsive, but it should be slightly improved now.
  • Removed some unnecessary nesting to reduce specificity. Specifically the custom select styles.