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Lightweight, Flexible


No styles or components you will never use, no unnecessary weight. Luma’s size is less than 8kb gzipped. No additional dependencies. There is no unwanted bloat that comes with the larger frameworks. By default, Luma only ships with the most used components.


Tired of ugly looking forms? Luma comes with a set of beautifully styled components so that your project looks good from the very beginning.


Everything is structured into components. Don’t need pagination or alerts on your site? Just comment out one line. On top of the default framework Luma comes with a bunch of additional components that you can include in your project (for now just the navigation). Most components you will use in your projects are already there and can be included by simply commenting out a line.


Luma was written in SCSS and with easy customization in mind. Every component can be freely customized with the provided variables. The most relevant files for customization are src/utilities/_config.scss and src/utilities/_variables.scss. Here you can easily switch out color values (such as the $color-primary) and customize other configuration values. Read more about it in the documentation.

Sites built with Luma


Sumire is a cross-platform desktop application that automatically renames your media files.

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